Monday 17 October 2016

Hello and Welcome

Hi Readers,

I am a Health and Safety Consultant and I provide a professional service to anyone who requires support to manage their H&S in their business.

This is my first post detailing the trials and tribulations of working in the world of Health and Safety.  Not the most exciting of subjects you may think, however, I am passionate about the subject. It's really all about helping people stay safe in the workplace so that they can go home at the end of each day, in one piece, and that's something we would all like.

Many of you may have children that one day will grow up and go out to work, I know you would all like to think that they will go to work with an employer who has their best interests in mind and that includes taking care of their health and safety whilst at work.
I have worked in H&S for 16 years, during that time I have studied hard and gained a number of qualifications in the subject which qualify me to be a competent person in the field of H&S.  Being a woman in a field that is predominantly male (approx. 80:20 male:female) can be challenging.  As a woman I can't possibly know the machinery in an engineering workshop or know how an engine works or even be able to deal with the ins and outs of a construction site.  The truth is that I do know some of these things and where I don't I make it my place to find out as every day is a school day and my brain is a sponge waiting for new knowledge.